Friday, March 26, 2010

Today I will...

Today I will ask you how
you are even though I know
you will scowl
(Fine). Today
I will smile when you enter
though I know you
will not acknowledge me
and will plug into
your white headphones. Today
I will remind you I can help
while I watch you spread yourself
over the table, and I will
listen as you tell me I don't
need your
. For today is the same
as any other day - I am here
and am waiting for you to say Yes

Monday, March 1, 2010

Salt and Saffron

Too much of him initiated
a stroke but not enough
made a person dehydrated.
Really, the only way he could
be served was with saffron,
for she, in even the smallest pinches,
complimented him.

I remember when he sprinkled
himself all over the office. His granulated
figure distracted clerks
from their calculated charts. We were
ready to kick him out, but she calmed
his spasmodic zest with three words
(Tour the store) and channeled
his enthusiasm into sales. Customers became
enamored with him
and purchased bachelor’s chests.

Unfortunately, saffron’s content to remain
orange became pungent to him.
He wanted to be known as salted
not saved. So he left her for basil,
a terminal cluster that surrounded
him and made him obvious.